PHOEBE presents an outline of its tasks, aims and objectives in the following paragraphs. In case you would like to gain further insights into a specific aspect of our work, PHOEBE recommends you to visit our project library.

Creating a ‘PHOEBE framework’

The PHOEBE Framework is a methodological approach designed for cities to better understand the future safety implications of changes in transport systems. These could include changes in road user behaviours, the redesign or creation of new infrastructure, or the introduction of a new transport mode. It aims to be an instructive ‘blueprint’ for how cities can establish and apply the predictive safety assessment framework efficiently and cost-effectively.

The framework brings together several existing elements currently used in transport planning, assessment and modelling, including:
  • Travel demand and mode shift models
    Predict consumer choices and road user flow changes
  • Traffic simulation environments
    Provide insights into how these various elements interact in virtual traffic scenarios
  • Human behaviour models
    help anticipate how road users respond in given scenarios, and the extent to which they may deviate from typical behaviours
  • Road safety assessment
    Provide objective measures of road user safety linked to speed, flow and the physical road feature
  • Socio-economic impact assessment
    Understand the health, safety, economic and environmental impacts of changes in the transport system.
The development of the PHOEBE Framework involves three principal aspects:
  1. Theoretical developments
    Include the research for key principles and methodology of the framework, like how to forecast safety impacts can be extrapolated across a city-wide network.
  2. Technical developments
    Required to ensure that each component of the Framework has the necessary functionality to produce the analyses required. This includes, for example, the model developments to allow safety ratings to be incorporated into traffic simulation.
  3. Tools and materials
    Required for the use and exploitation of the Framework for its intended end users, to ensure the it can be utilised.

The PHOEBE Framework will be tested in the three use case cities, which demonstrate that the innovative framework is capable of predicting holistic road safety impact, enhancing cities’ capabilities to design, develop and deliver urban changes that ensure safe travels. Therefore, more than benefiting from the project results, the PHOEBE use cases will lead the way to the development of a framework that will be adequate to the modern cities’ needs.

Data collection and machine learning

PHOEBE evaluates its data requirements to be able to conduct the pilot activities and compares these requirements to the actual datasets that are available in the three pilots of Athens, Valencia and West Midlands. In a second step, the gathered datasets will be refreshed and updated to support model development and the previously mentioned use case demonstrations, which includes over 140  types of data. 

Model development to enhance urban road safety  

PHOEBE combines various models to create the ‘PHOEBE framework’. These models enhance existing road safety assessment frameworks and traffic simulation tools. Furthermore, they include human behaviour, mode shift and induced demand modelling to measure the impact of  physical or regulatory changes in the simulation scenarios. The development models are refined and improved, once the results of the use case implementations from the three pilots are available. Largely, the integration of the newly developed models will help to improve modelling capability, prioritising road user safety and vulnerable road users.

Use case implementation

PHOEBE needs to test its models by setting up demonstration pilots to test the modelling and simulation that was done in previous tasks, as well as by consulting local stakeholders in the framework of various workshops. A dedicated group of stakeholders will guide the selection of modelling scenarios. Additionally, discussions take place on how potential models can help to improve the local transport policy and safety objectives for vulnerable road users. This is also the moment when the created PHOEBE models are supplied with local data related to traffic levels (rush hours), weather conditions, as well as other traffic scenarios and local challenges. 

Systems integration and tool finalisation 

Based on the previous assessment of the pilots, different scenarios are created for each pilot that include potential safety measures related to infrastructure investments, related benefits (reduced injuries, saved lives etc.). The combined results  are used to refine and consolidate the PHOEBE framework theoretical principles and methodology. This is followed by the tasks related to the finalisation of the tool that will allow external experts to utilise the PHOEBE algorithms and planning solutions, which requires an accessible user interface.