A first coordinated effort between the three sister projects, which were selected in the same CINEA call, started with the application for the ITS Europe Congress that will take place on 22-24 May 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal. The three projects of PHOEBE, SOTERIA and V4SAFETY are aiming to present the challenges of urban road safety, its project plans and potential technological solutions to predict various road user interactions. Furthermore, an additional focus is set on vulnerable road users, such as persons with reduced mobility and other disabilities, as well as young and old citizens.
After a short introductory round of presentations, the panel discussion will be started by Mentimeter questions to the audience with aim to engage a first debate. The question aims to identify the main potential challenges of urban road safety and will allow the audience to rank them by importance. The panel, which is moderated by POLIS Network and features a representative from the three sister projects, also includes the PHOEBE partner of Factual Consulting, which will give a greater overview on the topic of road safety and the associated studies.
Besides a holistic representation of stakeholders on the panel from cities (POLIS Network), IT solutions providers (netcompany intrasoft), academia (TNO), mobility consultants (Factual Consulting), and charities (iRAP), a closer look is taken at the gender balance. The balanced panel will include representatives from Western- and Southern Europe.
PHOEBE and our friends from SOTERIA and V4SAFETY are optimistic that the organizers of ITS Europe will select our submission. Further information about the results of the selection procedure will follow on our homepage and social media (Twitter & LinkedIn).